Light and Joy

We are only one week into the new year but it feels old with darkness, cold and grief. My resolution of finding joy every day has already been challenged but it has been there.

I went on a long, cold walk in our neighbourhood on a cloudy afternoon earlier this week. As I came back to our street, the setting sun shone through the trees, reminding me that days will get longer, and brighter and warmer. 

I walked a patient to the end of the hall today and helped her sit and rest in the sunshine by the south-facing window. The sun was so warm on my back that it was hard to believe it was frigid outdoors. The hospital is heavy with illness and stress but we found a moment of peace and light. 

I am very thankful that our daughter calls every day on Facetime so we can talk to our grandchildren. Their lives are full of new discoveries and excitement and they remind me how to find the happiness that can elude us as we get older. They are our hope for the future and our example in finding joy in the present.

Little Miss P drew this colourful portrait of Joseph wearing his coat of many colours. The Picasso-like beauty of the picture makes me smile every time I look at it. 

I will get ready for the second week of January with bright colours and red socks and optimism for the future.

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