Naturally Imperfect

Grocery stores in the Loblaws chain sell lower grades of fruits and vegetables at reduced prices in bags labelled "Naturally Imperfect". I can get apples, avocadoes, limes, sweet peppers and mushrooms in this packaging. I asked my daughter to pick up some grocery items including these peppers and mushrooms and she commented,

"Even produce gets judged!"

Our society is very judgemental, and opinions spread quickly on social media. Yet none of us would want to be singled out and scrutinized in the same way we scrutinize others. The world is full of naturally imperfect people, in fact, perfect people are simply mythical and nonexistent.

Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has received a lot of hate from people who disagree with his governance. Expressed hatred like this comes from a place of arrogance and ignorance whether is it from political opponents or common citizens. Disagreements are inevitable but they can be discussed with civility and respect. I noted today that Justin and Sophie celebrated their 17th wedding anniversary.  Sophie wrote about their marriage relationship with great insight and wisdom. 

"You all know I keep things honest: long-term relationships are challenging in so many ways. They demand constant work, flexibility, compromise, sacrifice, devotion, patience, effort, and so much more. None of us are perfect and so there is no perfect relationship, but love is only true when it keeps you safe, sets you free, and makes you grow." 
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau

My naturally imperfect produce is just as useful and delicious as Grade A visually perfect fruit and vegetables. My human imperfections do not need to sideline my plans and purposes, in fact, I become more caring and compassionate as I view others from the perspective of my own weaknesses. 

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