Long COVID-19

One of my patients has been in the hospital for months with a severe COVID-19 infection and subsequent complications. Many weeks were spent in ICU on a ventilator. Statistically, the infection is "resolved" but the damage done to the body of my patient is severe. There is little hope for this person to return to their previous functional level again.

I had the privilege of taking this patient outside today. They needed 100% oxygen, 25 lpm with a special mask, which meant the large portable tank emptied in 20 minutes. We took two tanks out with us to enjoy half an hour of the beautiful June day. The family drove up in the driveway for a visit and I couldn't hold back tears as the patient, who has been in isolation for many weeks, happily greeted them.

Thankfully, the infection rate in the province is dropping, but we are a local hotspot with new COVID admissions every day. Today, there were six new admissions in ER, all awaiting beds on an appropriate unit. ICU is full. The patients, affected by the highly infectious delta variant, are much younger on average with some in their 30's requiring critical care.

The patient and the family thanked me for facilitating the outing, but it was an honour to witness the reunion. Each day our team works with patients who are "COVID resolved", but still require a lot of rehabilitation before discharge from hospital. Everyone wants life to return to normal and hospital staff want that to happen sooner than later as well. 

Please get your vaccinations if you haven't done so. 

We are tired. 

Public health care is a great asset for Canadians, but the system is at its limit. All vaccinations have some risk, but this disease can damage the body very severely. 

Thank you.


  1. I am convinced that many people just don't get the possible severity of this disease. Around here many also just choose willful ignorance and that is very frustrating. I have had both my shots and feel good about that.

    1. I am so glad to hear you have have both vaccinations, Ruth. Stay well!
