Spring Arrives at Homer Watson Park!

Pioneer Tower along the Grand River at Homer Watson Park

Spring equinox occurred early yesterday morning but March 21 is the first day of spring in my mind. It is the birthday of one of my brothers, giving another reason to celebrate. Last year spring arrived to cold, snow-covered ground, but today's weather was the best one could hope for in March. We went to Homer Watson Park, named after a famous Canadian painter who lived in this area. The Grand River borders the park, and the trails were exceptionally busy as COVID shutdowns keep people from other activities. It was nice to see families outdoors enjoying nature. The picture above shows the Pioneer Tower built to commemorate the early European settlers here. The trees around it have grown so high that the tower is largely concealed from this vantage point in the summer when the leaves are out. 

This is always the first place where I see spring flowers. Snowdrops are blooming in the lawn and gardens around the Homer Watson House and Gallery.  

I love how the crocus flowers rise out of the dead leaves on the ground in a true picture of life springing up again after a cold winter. Bees were busy collecting pollen from the blooms, their pollen sacs loaded with spring's first meal. A Red Admiral butterfly was in the vicinity as well but it is impossible to know whether it was a returning migrant or one that stayed in a protected area in the river valley in the winter. 

Northern Cardinals are loud and territorial in the spring and this male was no exception. We saw an immature Bald Eagle fly by but due to the number of people on the trails, skittish water birds and other passerines were scarce.  But that was OK. It was a beautiful day in every way. 

Happy Spring! 

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