In Praise of Buffalo Plaid

Nothing feels and looks cozier on a cold Canadian winter day than an oversized, lined buffalo plaid shirt or similarly patterned fleece pyjamas. One benefit of Covid lockdowns has been the comfort of lounging at home in soft pants and if you do not have to present a professional upper body look on Zoom, baggy tops. buffalo plaid, an imported and renamed Scottish tartan is very popular right now. When our granddaughter was still three, she asked for "red plaid pants". She likes red as much as I do. It wasn't hard to find a few items of clothing in red plaid at our excellent neighbourhood children's second-hand shop.

My daughter decided that she is done with the expense and waste of wrapping paper and paper gift bags. We went shopping for fabric at a post-Christmas sale and found a bolt of red and black buffalo plaid that is thick enough to make durable and reusable gift bags. I have been sewing them up in several sizes and like how they look. I chose the following dimensions for the bags. 

Small: 4"x7" and 7"x 9"

Medium: 8"x12" and 11"x13"

Large: 16"x19" and 17"x 24"

I also made a couple of slipcovers in the same material to change the look of the cushions on the chesterfield for the winter months. 

Little Miss P. is not very sociable first thing in the morning. I usually have an early FaceTime visit with her little brother, Master A. who is a cheerful morning person 99.9% of the time. I had to laugh at Miss P.'s 7 AM disguise as she placed the toy bin over her head while clutching her cup and angry Incredible Hulk doll. Her quintessential indoor winter Canadian outfit includes buffalo plaid pants and a oversized sweatshirt. You cannot stay sulky for long in these comfortable clothes and she did emerge to say hello when she was ready. 

I know we all have days when we wish we could stay out of sight and away from people. Before long we will have to see if our "hard pants" and jackets still fit and take time in the morning to make sure our entire face is presentable in public. 


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