Accepting Change

Late newly emerged Monarch Butterfly- Magog, Quebec October 14, 2021
The world has changed and they haven't changed with it.

Miss Marple in Nemesis

I enjoy watching Joan Hickson as Miss Marple and cannot deny that I would love to have her observational and deductive skills. In the episode "Nemesis", Miss Marple says about a family of sisters,

 "I am sorry for those Bradbury-Scott girls. 
The world has changed and they haven't changed with it."

A crime was committed because one of the Bradbury-Scott girls did not want her world to change.

Our children change and develop quickly from birth to adulthood and it triggers an alarm if important milestones are not met. Small children are naturally curious, questioning and unflinchingly honest. They are like sponges, absorbing new information without effort. Unfortunately, a child may eventually come to a time or place where they resist change and close their minds to new ideas. I have met people in their 20s who are unwilling to change and people in their 80s who retain an optimistic interest in the world around them. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, loss of control, peer pressure, and mistrust all contribute toward resistance to change. It is human nature to want to fit in with a group or tribe even if the collective members fight progress. 

Whoa! These marshmallows are REALLY BIG!!

My daughter sent me this picture of our granddaughter examining her marshmallow treats with a magnifying glass. She is delightfully curious and very much her own person. The world of my grandchildren will continue to change and I want to encourage their exploration of new ideas and experiences. Younger generations do not need to hear their elders pining about "the good old days" because the good old days are really mythical!

"The good old days" Monarch caterpillars July 2021- Manitoulin Island, Ontario

1 comment:

  1. Change is good and exciting when it happens for the right reasons.
